
What is odesk ?

oDesk is a exchange area freelance workers column their resume, portfolio and buyers attending for ideal providers to advice with altered task. On odesk, there’s a lot of opportunities; from abstracts admission to cartoon design, from basic abettor to action manager, from website developer to artistic media works. No amount what you can do, you can accompany for chargeless and plan with this platform.

Getting started:

After blockage out the site, I bound googled them and I begin a lot of reviews. I went to apprehend a abrogating analysis about odesk and begin that odesk absolutely works and you can body abundant online career as able-bodied as a nice assets opportunity. Afterwards that I active up for odesk and created my plan profile.

How it works?

Signing up for odesk is chargeless of amount and for buyers, they can assurance up and column their job for free. At odesk, you accept to seek for altered jobs, administer and delay if your client hires you. Buyers can aswell seek for providers in the marketplace.

Job types: Anchored amount and Hourly :

odesk, anchored amount and alternate jobsThere are two array of odesk jobs; one is anchored amount which agency your client wants you to do this job and will pay you if you complete the task. Anchored amount job may yield a lot of time to complete and the transaction is not guaranteed. Afterwards commutual the job, it’s upto the client if they will or how abundant they will pay.

Hourly job agency you will be paid on per hour basis. For this, you accept to download oDesk aggregation appliance and install it on your computer. If you get an alternate job, you can again log in application the app and log your plan hours. The app will yield one awning attempt of your desktop every 10 account and accumulate the almanac of your activity. This way your buyers can clue your plan progress. Alternate jobs are bigger because the transaction is affirmed and it will be added on your all-embracing career.

Building your profile :

In the beginning, you accept to canyon the odesk address analysis to get admission to your odesk provider profile. Body your contour by abacus your skills; get all of your works and actualize your portfolio; ample out details, plan acquaintance so that it looks great. Yield a attending at added people’s portfolio to apperceive how a acceptable portfolio looks like.

Getting a job on odesk :

Getting job on odeskYou know, this is the hardest allotment of odesk. You accept created a profile, activated for jobs and waited if your client calls you for an account or hires you.. but annihilation happenes. Accepting your aboriginal job or even accepting a adumbration on how to alpha is absolutely frustrating. The capital acumen why humans don’t appoint new humans because they accept no plan annal and annihilation to appearance on their portfolio.

Think hard.. put a few plan examples on your portfolio, canyon a few added accordant tests, upload a acceptable bio photo and add added data on your profile.

Your aboriginal consequence is the awning letter, address something abundant if you administer for a job. Try to alpha a job letter from scratch. Put some plan examples, accord them a few methods to get in blow with you, accord them a acumen why they will appoint you?

People spent added and added months on odesk but don’t get their aboriginal jobs. A lot of humans absorb added again 6 months jobless. I’ve activated for abounding jobs but no results.. until I got my aboriginal appointment on odesk :)

Why odesk?

why odesk for a freelancer?There’s a lot of marketplaces accessible online that can accord you an online career befalling such as GetAFreelancer, HireACoder and Guru. But I adopt odesk because it’s the one abode I got into it aboriginal and I’ve already congenital a acceptable plan portfolio. If you’re searching for a abundant abode to alpha out, again try odesk and alone odesk. If you try to get plan from all of these sites, you won’t get any.

Odesk accept some of the abundant appearance for a provider; they pay account through all of the above transaction methods including paypal, payoneer debit mastercard, moneybrookers and others. They accept a abundant acceptability and a bigger marketplace.

It’s bigger to use odesk as your absence portfolio; it’s easier to manage, amend and even bigger to get work.

Few tips for new providers :

Don’t anytime anticipate that there’s a lot of antagonism in odesk. If you administer for a job, accept that you are the best a part of others. There’s consistently new opportunities and lot added plan than absolute providers, so be on it.

Try to be on all of the above advice methods such as beast messenger, google talk, AIM, skype and email to accomplish abiding the client can ability you if they need.

Try to accommodate a band-aid to your client and if you are clumsy to do it, don’t accumulate them hanging.

Attending for the band-aid and alone solution.. not for the money. In your freelance career, the acknowledgment is the a lot of important affair to achieve.

Don’t set a low amount on your profile; try to accumulate it aggressive and few dollars low if you are accepting started.

Accumulate affix with your client and forward them plan updates regularly.

It’s a acceptable affair to body up a accord with the buyer.. it will aftereffect added assurance and plan opportunities in the future.

If you accept abundant tasks in hand, don’t administer for added work.

It’s accessible to plan even added hours for added money, but amuse do yield break and day offs.

Increase your alternate allowance over time as you plan added and aggregate added reputation.

My oDesk career :

Yeah, afterwards all of this bragging, you ability wanna apperceive about my odesk profile. Able-bodied I’m accomplishing accomplished with odesk and it took me one ages to get my aboriginal assignment. You can yield a attending at my accessible contour at odesk. Can aswell appoint me; I do wordpress and apriorism affair customization and a few added stuffs for my clients. I’m currently accepting a lot of plan in hand.